Sunday, January 4, 2009

Keep Writing

Well another day has come and gone and I really don't have anything to say. Nothing special happened today, I got less than 3 hours sleep last night and went to work this morning, went home and got about 2 hours sleep and now I'm back at work trying to stay awake.
So this is a good time to discuss Disneyland. I love going to Disneyland and wondering around and seeing all the detail that goes into the entire park. There are no rides because they are attractions. The imagineers put so much time into every aspect that you can't even catch it all as you wonder around trying to get on all the rides. This is why I get depressed every year when we go. I want to spend a lot of time looking at the park, taking pictures, letting my own imagination run wild. I also love people watching, and you get every kind of person under the sun there at Disneyland. I never feel I get to lose myself in all this, instead all the time is taken up in amusing the kids with thrill ride after thrill ride and then popcorn or some other junk food, and then more entertaining the kids with thrill ride. I seem to always get resentful and just wish for time alone. I think the solution is coming though. The kids are just about at that stage where they can be turned loose to run free and amuse themselves and meet back up at another time. I don't know for sure how well this will work, I don't know that they can be trusted to get along with each other and I don't know if they will be too intimidated by the prospect of not being with us, but it sounds like a good thing to me. To sit in New Orleans Square and people watch, to enjoy the Grand Californian hotel and just sit amungst the trees. I do love thrill rides myself, and I wouldn't want to go and not go on any of them, but I don't need it constantly. I think Disneyland works well if you just don't have any plans of your own. The kids will run you ragged and they won't have a clue as to what they are missing, but it will cut down on a lot of misery. I think the kids would really enjoy Fantasmic, but the waiting and timing just irritates them to the point that nobody has fun. They need gratification now, and I don't seem to be able to teach otherwise. Oh well. It surely will get better. It has to.

1 comment:

  1. go without the kids one day. I love to sit in New Orleans Square. Take a family member or friend and let them entertain the the kids for a while, remember they won't be little for long
