Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's quiet here.

I got sick about a week ago and violently attacked the little bug with mass doses of vitamin C and NyQuil. It seemed I was victorious. One day of drug induced fog to wake up the next with some minor stuffiness. I felt that all in all it was a fair trade and I would not spend too much energy ruing the lost time. Yesterday in a sneak attack I was hit from all sides. The aching began, the one nostril squeal while the other drips, the chest congestion, and the swelling of sinus tissue to the point of exceeding the size of ones head. I moaned. I groaned. I took to medicine cabinet, if it was there and claimed to do something I took it. When i got up for work at 4am my tongue was swollen and dry, hanging out of my mouth from breathing through my mouth all night. I snuffled hard and just stuffed my ears while something oozed down my face. I moaned. I groaned. I got in a hot shower, put on my most pathetic face and headed out to work knowing we are very short staffed and Saturdays are busy. I moaned. I groaned. People at work were not happy see to me, and less happy to hear me. I made it to the end. I came home. I moaned. I groaned. I went to bed. I woke up feeling a little better, but what was so cool was that the kids were gone to a birthday party and it was soooo quiet. Took a hot tub and read. I still moan and groan, but the occasional attack of quiet is amazingly helpful. Poor Ginger only gets the quiet broken with my moan, groan, and disgusting nasal squeals.

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