Thursday, January 8, 2009

Doctor Visit

Today the family got up together and went to the Doctor's together. Both kids had appointments scheduled with Dr. Los, Katie at 8:00 and Xander at 9:00. Neither one wanted the other in their appointment which is understandable, but this created problems with mom and dad getting to be there for both. Ginger went in with Katie first while I sat in the waiting room with Xander. The main point for Katie's visit was to try to get an ADD assessment and also try to find some reason for her constantly hurting stomach. Turns out Dr. Los doesn't deal with ADD at all because he feels kids are over-medicated and rather than try to look for those who do need help and helping the others find alternatives he just doesn't deal with it and said we should see Dr. Griffin. The main reason we scheduled with Dr. Los was because Dr. Griffin said he was terminating the pediatric portion of his practice. So that was a wasted part of the visit. Ginger forgot to ask him about the stomach problems. Another wasted part. He did give her a minor physical and administered two shots that were due. He also ordered a three part run of shots of Gardasil and Ginger felt it was presented as a need and very common. Well the insurance company does not feel the same at all and because of this it's not even kept at the doctor's office. You have to pay for all of it out of pocket and try to get reimbursed and then they order it in. After we ordered it and payed we had second thoughts and went back and canceled the whole thing. Another strike on the day. A total waste for Katie, but we do have an appointment with Dr. Griffin to try to make some headway in the suspected ADD issues.
Xander and I went in to talk about his headaches and eczema and to have a wart frozen off. The doctor didn't really seem to impressed with talk of headaches but said we could always schedule with a pediatric neurologist. He told Xander to keep putting lotion on his hands, he gave him a quick once over to verify no glaring problems, then he brought out the freeze gun. Xander really could not handle it. The doctor seemed to keep looking at him in surprise of how wigged out and hurt he seemed to be (that was my impression of the look - it could have been otherwise). Hopefully enough was done to get rid of the wart, but were not sure. Really a total loss to the day.
We hear all the time we should go see our doctors but I don't think there is much point in that. It seems that you just use common sense as best you can ad go to the emergency room when that fails. There was no real discussion of things that should be done. I was told to get most of the sugar out of the house though. Oh Well.
After all that Xander still had a dentist appointment to fix his broken front tooth. It was for 11 so we took the kids to breakfast at McDonald's and then took Katie back to school. She was only listed as tardy. Xander got to go home for about a half hour and then to the dentist's. He loathes the dentist and is positive the dentist has only one purpose, and that is to severely torture young children with ghastly instruments of pain. It was a simple procedure and didn't even require Novocain, but Xander jumped constantly and twitched and squealed. In the end it was accomplished with little drama and his tooth looks pretty good. What a long day.

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