Thursday, January 15, 2009

You never know.

Went out with a friend last night and an old friend of his came up to him to say hi. They had a good reunion and business cards exchanged hands. There was some talk of future plans and current projects and it all sounded so grown up and professional. There was talk that concerned work in the community where many important people would need to be involved. After the fellow went his way David just smiled and was amazed because this was the guy in high school who had crazy hair and spent all day riding his skate board. He was liked, but not voted most likely to succeed. He just did his own thing.
I'm so glad I got to witness this event. My kids do their own thing. Katie especially, has such a hard time right now socially. I truly believe girls are much meaner than boys when it comes to whom they will accept into their little clicks and how they will treat each other. I also think it's much worse now with the never ending pursuit to "empower" young girls to be strong and believe they are "special". While they are all special and should feel strong I think it's pushed wrong and learned wrong and you end up with a bunch of pushy little "I'm specialler than you" girls. I just hope Katie struggles through these awkward years of attempts to mold and conform away all truly special abilities, because if they don't beat her down she will explode on the scene and be something to admire.
I don't worry for Xander so much he seems to just fit in for the most part and is even liked and looked up to when he shows individuality. I might be wrong, but it just seems easier for him at least for now.
Well, you never know how people will turn out. You might have some new wave, trench coat wearing, make-up wearing guy who just doesn't care for school end up in the sub-burbs with a mini-van, a government job, and a beautiful family. Mostly respected by society. What they don't know. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. I so agree. Girls are mean and Katie is going to be great! Just like her crazy amazing parents. I love your blog.
