Sunday, January 25, 2009

Struggling day.

It has been a long couple of days, but today has been particularly fun. To start with I am still sick and just can't quite get over it. I also had an early shift this morning and the mid shift tonight. Xander is now sick as well and it is kicking up his asthma and developing pink eye. Katie has a birthday party to go to, but she is unsure about it because her friend is developing new friendships with girls that don't necessarily get along with Katie and they are going to be there. Ginger is also getting sick and on Saturdays she gets to crack the whip as it is chore day and it never gets done without vast amounts of asking, then pleading, then yelling, then threatening, then just ignoring and accepting. I think it's much like the the grieving process. I got home and went to crash in bed and got about an hour and a half of sleep. Nobody was in a good mood or high spirits.
We also had ticket to The Gaslight Theater, but with the all of us sounding like we were going to barf up a lung each time we started coughing we realized we couldn't do it. There was a bright spot in that I was able to sell the tickets to a co-worker, but Xander was none too happy at not going.
So, because Katie was at the birthday party, Ginger and I took Xander out to eat and he opted for Peter Piper Pizza (his first choice was Pizza Hut for the buffet because he likes the cinnamon & sugar bread sticks, but the buffet was not going on). About three bites into his pizza Xander squealed and showed me something on his napkin - on closer look I saw it for one of his teeth (this was a loose one, not a knocked out one as he is prone too). There was also blood all over his face, but it blended with the pizza sauce so now major terrors.
Hope to come up with some better material in the future I just haven't been able to think to straight lately with this stupid cold and being too tired.

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