Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can't sleep

It is one of those rare days when I don't have to be up until noon, work doesn't start until 2:00 and Ginger has an early computer appointment so she can get the kids ready for school. So; of course, my eyes pop open at 5:15 this morning and my brain starts whirring at the speed of thought throwing non sequiturs at me in an almost hostile fashion. 'Get some exercise', 'Find a hotel in LA for Ginger's birthday', 'Check your FaceBook page, maybe something important was posted in the middle of the night'. I laid there telling my head to shut up, then lower down was the call to arise from the bed and go pee. Jeez, why won't my body and mind let me sleep, it must be some great cosmic joke that I can not be in charge of myself, but instead tortured by me. So I thought I'd get up and write something down to which my body said 'no - let's just go back to tossing and turning, it's the only exorcise you get anyway'. But I will be in charge so I am sitting here writing and falling asleep.
It is a good thing I got up though. It is raining outside and half of the kids Odyssey props (of which most is cardboard) are not under the patio. So I've been standing in the rain trying not to get wet while moving things to cover. I dumped out a bucket of water and instead of it running out to the planter it poured under the pile of cardboard.
After standing in the rain in my P.jays not really helping the situation with the deteriorating props I went to get some aspirin and tripped over a dog in the dark. I was not walking on tip toe or; indeed even, quietly at all. I guess the dog just trusts that I can see in the dark and would never intentionally stomp on him. He was highly disappointed in me, crushed that I sought him out in order to dance on his body. So now I'm not the only one who can't sleep.

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