Monday, January 26, 2009

Morning Dramas

The alarm went off at 6:30 this morning as it does every school day. I jumped up and turned it off as I usually do (I usually jump so fast that Ginger never has a chance to hear it), but then I heard Ginger say 'I'll get up and get them'. Without hesitation I crawled back under the covers and curled up. I couldn't fall back asleep though. I stayed hidden in the room, but listened to everything going on. Katie is not a morning person and just will not get moving. I heard my calls to her to get going. Once Ginger started to tell Katie how much time was left and Katie exploded at her with an 'I already heard you!' It was all I could do to keep from flying out of the bed and confronting her.
Xander; on he other hand, tends to be a morning person and is usually quite easy. Lately; however, he has become a little pill to get out of the bed, but is fine once extracted. He was sick last week and missed three days of school, being sure to put on quite a moaning performance each day before school started. He bounced around a lot after the sick call was made. Same for the weekend, bounced all over the place, to the point that it was decided he was well. Come this morning he was moping around and dragging, and looking oh so pathetic. Ginger said 'you're going to school' to which Xander replied 'I know, I'm just worried about making the other kids sick.' It is so wonderful that my child is so magnanimous and caring. If only he would have used the word 'children' instead of 'kids' I would have fallen out of the bed in hysterics.
In the end I got up because; of course, Katie missed the bus and needed a ride to school. She was told that she would be late. We were not going to hurry to get her there since she did not try to make it herself. She sat in the living room chair and just shot daggers at Ginger for twenty minutes. The ride to school was very quiet, she was not happy in the least. I just love school morning drama.

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