Tuesday, January 6, 2009

katie Monster

Katie has a new passion; drawing monsters. It's a technique she learned from a book she got for Christmas 100 days of monsters. You start with a drop of ink, use some compressed air to blow the ink around on the page, then add onto the ink splatter with your own creative drawing ideas to create the monster. Her drawing skills are quite amazing and she is very good at duplicating a style she sees. She became enamored with the monsters and created a bunch, then she showed Xander how to do it because she wanted praise from him as well. This was a bad idea. Grandma and Grandpa came over and saw Katie's drawings and oohed and awed over them and told her how wonderful they were. Xander also wants to be praised and decided he would start working on some monsters so the grandparents would focus on him. Katie blew up - "it's my special thing!". Oh the crying and carrying on that ensued, it was as bad as a Disney lawyer after a Mickey look-a-like. I tried my best to explain to her that Xander has little interest in the whole monster thing and if she keeps quiet he will drop it shortly, I also explained how she doesn't have a monopoly on the procedure and she has no right to lose it like that. Nothing really worked, but true to form, Xander got bored at one and hasn't been back to it.
Katie's monster picture. I love this monster of Katie's, the shoes crack me up. Ginger posted this one on-line with the guy who made the book and he even wrote her back and commented on it. She has real talent if she can survive all the conformists of this world.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Katie's got monster chops. If you like, you can let her know that I had moments where I got a little possessive about the monsters, too. But here' sthe thing: Different monsters come to different people. The monsters that come to visit Katie would never even think to appear on Xander's paper. Or on anybody else's, for that matter.

    I'm glad to hear that your kids are having fun with the creatures, though -- violent hostilities notwithstanding.
