Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions.

Into the New Year with a bang. Missed all day yesterday. Didn't write a thing. Odd because my resolution is to start writing on a more consistent basis. But oh well, here I am writing now on the 2nd of January 2009. Xander spent New Years eve at a friends rather than with the family. I had to work until 10:30 on the eve and thought we would all rejoice together. No such luck, the family is not as exciting to a 9 year old boy as a friend. So Ginger and Katie spent the evening together waiting for me, having fun playing Wii. After I got home we all played Wii until it was time to say "Happy New Year" (Thank God 2008 finally ended).
My coming home was rather funny. I came in through the garage and Lucky was barking at the door so a sprang from behind it and he freaked out. Jumped right out of his skin, fell over trying to turn around. Couldn't get his going on the wood floor, finally took off for the dog door (a rather large one really) and missed. He slammed into the glass door, fell over, spun around, barked at me and darted out the door where he turned and stared at me. I about peed myself.
Well I hope to keep writing throughout the year, and hopefully it will improve. Maybe somebody will like things I have to say, but this is really used as a personal diary.

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