Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When; exactly, was the plan hatched?

The alarm went off at 6:30 this morning so I could arise and wake my children for school. I did not feel like "arising" and I really didn't care to listen to moaning and groaning about the misery of arising for school from my non-morning people children. Katie , as Katie always does, just rolled over and blew me off. Xander on the other hand, who is usually pretty good about getting up, Growled at me and kicked at me and generally put me in a mood. I considered just going back to bed and letting them deal with the consequences. Then I realized the consequences would be all mine. This did not help my mood.
I often cook breakfast for the little darlings: pancakes, waffles, or eggs. Today; however, it was a cold cereal sort of morning. We have quite a collection of bags and boxes of cereal that have been begged for during grocery store visits, most of which just the name cause the bile to rise in my throat, but I was a kid once and have vague recollections of asking for such fare. I go to get Xander (Katie was still blowing me off) one of his requests and he moaned at me. A deep, lowdown, load moan! "What would you like then?", "MOOOAAAN!!!!", "Just go get yourself dressed then!!! I don't want to deal with this right now!!!" I storm off to battle the Katie-Bug. When I come back Xander is dressed and doing just fine with himself scarfing down a chocolate pop-tart.
Now a chocolate pop-tart is no better than the crap cereal he made us buy, but I'm sure the deception was planned well in advance and the moaning no more than a clever ploy. The boy eats only sugar and has so defiled his taste buds he can eat nothing else. (Those of you outside the family can have no idea how much this irks me), but was it planned this morning in the waking hours, or last night before bed? Wouldn't put it past him. Katie doddled enough that she had to be driven to the bus stop (just barely caught the bus, thought I was going all the way to school). I love school days!

1 comment:

  1. sugar is all my boys like also. It isn't as easy as people think to "just make them eat veggies. I feel your pain, btw we drive our kids to school all the time. Don't know if it is better or worse lol
